WTCA National Specialty Winners Bitch (WB) Winner; Dam Canada’s Top Best in Show Winning (in history) Welsh Terrier – JOE!
October 2002 – January 2016

Health Clearances
Primary Lens Luxation (PLL) DNA – carrier; Degenerative Myelopathhy (DM) DNA – test not available at the time; Cardiac – normal; Patella – normal
Sire & Dam
- SireAmerican CH Kirkwood Top Brass (Ben)
- DamAmerican & Canadian CH Saredon Mistress Nora

Mercedes finished both Championships in Top Style!
Mercedes was presented in the US by Wood and Jenny Wornall in 2004. She finished her championship at the Welsh Terrier Club of America (WTCA) National Specialty, on Montgomery County Kennel Club day. She was awarded Winners Bitch and Award of Merit for a 5 point major, under breeder-judge, Sue Weiss. There were 65 Welsh Terriers entered that day.
Prior to this, Mercedes was shown as a 6 month old puppy and won a major by defeating a few adult welsh being shown in the Open Class (adults that eventually went on to be champions themselves). That was a very exciting win indeed! She went to that show primarily for experience, but wanted to support a well-respected US Terrier man that had traveled to the Pacific Northwest from NY. When he pointed to Mercedes for Best of Breed – it was very exciting indeed!
Mercedes finished her Canadian Championship with some Group Placements from the classes.
No top wins beyond her championship?
Mercedes was never ‘specialed’. This means that she was not shown beyond her championship. Well, she was, one weekend. On that weekend she got a large win – a Group 2nd at a very competitive show under a very well respected US Judge (Mr. Edd Bivin). But, I was going through some personal restructuring (a divorce). I decided that dog showing was discretionary time and money and I needed to focus on my core requirements. I was in senior management, in a head office position, at a large bank in downtown Vancouver. My specialized position, and team that I managed, meant long hours and some travel. I could not fit in the trimming requirements to keep up a Welsh Terrier in “show coat”, or take the time away from my job to attend shows. So, I decided to take a short break and enjoyed my dogs at home as companions while I focused on my job, my family and my health.
Mercedes eventually had a litter. She was bred to a young dog. One not yet proven but offered to me for something that I had done to help out the Bayleigh Shaireab’s team. This 9 or 10 month old dog was not yet a champion, but he had a pedigree that interested me and looked great! This dog was to become a famous dog in the breed – Spyder! Mercedes only had one puppy. A boy named Joe. I kept that boy as I had promised to place Mercedes with my new husband’s parents (they fell in love with her when they came out to BC for our wedding). So, it was to be her last litter, and I was going to grow up this singleton and really see what he would be like. He turned out very well. This boy, Joe, ended up being the Top Best in Show Winning Welsh Terrier in Canadian History. He did a lot of winning in the US as well in his short career there. And, he sired some top dogs. This girl Mercedes, who is a daughter of my very first Welsh Terrier (Honey) was so very special, in so many ways. My new in-laws loved living with her too, so that was very nice.
Some Photos of Mercedes home at Darwyn
To be added