Introducing Welsh Terrier Becky!
English & Canadian Champion Felstead Fashionable

I first met Becky in 2000 when I was on a trip to the UK to visit a few Welsh Terrier kennels. She was about 8 months old ...
... I fell in love with her.

But, I couldn't have her ... yet.
Emlyn was convinced that she was of quality to be able to be awarded one of the very few English Championships that are available. In the UK, 3 CCs are needed, and not many shows have CCs on offer for Welsh Terriers, and when they are available, only one male and one female are awarded that CC .... non-champions compete for them directly with the champions ... a very different system than the US and Canada.

She finished her Canadian Championship with a number of Group placements and a Group 1st win! While I do a lot of my own handling, for Becky I couldn't get away to the shows that I wanted to go to and professional handlers, David and Pat Gignac, presented her beautifully for me and finished her championship with a Group 1st!

I loved living with Becky, but when Kate & Ralph came over to meet one of her puppies, Becky crawled into her lap (as she usually did), I knew then that it was time for her to have a family of her own, and I knew that this was her family. Sometimes, you just know these things.
Kate and Ralph who initially wanted a puppy, was very happy to welcome Becky into their home, and their hearts. I was sad to see her go, but knew that she was going to have an amazing life ... an active couple that biked and kayaked and gardened (in a big way ... some of the most beautiful Orchids you will ever see!). The photos that you see of Kate and Becky kayaking aren't the odd time out that they go onto the water - it's what they do many days of the week!
After living with Becky for five years (and Becky was 10 years old), the following is Kate's story:

Learning to put up with the sea spray off the paddles and wondering what those loud barking things were in the water (sea lions), Becky settled right into retirement life quite nicely. Although ... she is not completely retired yet, as she has taken on a new job of therapy dog with youth. her easy manner and brown eyes encourage those that have difficulty communicating to open up and reach out to give her a gentle stroke. Becky has brought much joy to our lives and she touches the heart of many!"

Kate, you inspire me to also want to get out on the water and enjoy our beautiful province ... and it's so much better with a wonderful companion!